Monday, February 11, 2013

Learning and Loving

I love spending our days together Nora.  I cannot believe the progress you make everyday.  I can see you learning by the minute.  Each day brings on new realization, awareness, and discoveries.  Watching you learn how to use your hands has been so entertaining.  I am so impressed at how something that seemed so out of reach yesterday is completely possible the next.  You know what your pacifier is and that you want it in your mouth. What's more is that you know HOW to put it in your mouth.  You reach for things, grab them, and pull them to your mouth.  A week ago you couldn't quite figure out how to grab something.  But you are a sponge and soak up so much in a day's time.  We don't really watch "Adult TV" around you because even though you are so young, you are learning and growing and I believe you are sensitive to the things you see around you.  The things that are in the media currently are not the things I want my sweet baby learning.

You now roll over front to back easily, and back to front sporadically.  You twist and turn things on your saucer because you know how to make them produce a sound.  You like to watch Backyardigans, you are drawn in by their fun music and choreography.  And we frequently sign with you.  I can't wait for you to start reciprocating these signs.  You are now highly aware of who we are.  And you are very disappointed when you see that we have left the room.  I love seeing you develop awareness of your surroundings.  You know your room and you certainly know your crib and carseat.  You are a smart little cookie and I am just gobbling up all the fun faces, giggles and attention you give me.

This week we are celebrating your first Valentine's Day and I have just one question for you .. Will you be mine?

I want to start a special tradition.  I think baby girls deserve to be treated like princesses and understand their beauty and importance. That is why your Daddy and I want to take you (and your sister(s), if you have any) out each Valentine's Day for a special date.  Little girls need to know that they are loved so they grow up secure.  You are beautiful and will grow up to be the most amazing, wonderful, lovely young lady who deserves the second best boy in the world (Sorry, I already got the first best boy in the world.  You're lucky to have him as your Daddy).

I love you sweetheart.  I know I don't know everything about being a Mom.  But I know the Lord helps me.  I pray constantly for the help of the spirit in raising you.  And I know I couldn't do it without the love and support from your Dad.  I am so blessed to have you two in my life.  I am obsessed with my little family.  I want you to know that I try to give 110% when it comes to parenting you.  I pride myself in being patient with you and trying to make your days full of fun, laughter, learning, and memories.  I hope I continue to develop the proper characteristics that define a good Mother.  I hope I will be a Mother that you can be proud of.  I love you princess.  You will always be my princess.

Love Always,

Friday, January 11, 2013

4 Months

Baby Girl,

Four short months have gone by and every day is bitter-sweet. I love you more than words can express. You are turning into such a vibrant little girl.  You personality grows every minute and I love the person you are becoming.  You just learned how to blow bubbles with your own saliva .. a real talent I might add.  You've also learned to make the "Guh" sound.  I am proud of everything you learn. It's exciting to see you so anxious to use your hands! You stare at toys and you focus so hard on trying to use your hands to play with them and you are getting closer and closer each day. You just started raising your arms in the air  - it seems like you are actually learning how to use those crazy limbs that, up to this point, seemed to just be in the way!  Your father and I couldn't be more happy to have you in our home.  We have loved every minute of being your parents and we are so enormously blessed that you were sent to us.  We just had our first health scare as you came down with croup.  It broke our hearts to hear you cough so painfully and see you so miserable and for us to not be able to do anything to comfort you.  But we thank the Lord for your health.  There are many parent out there who are not so fortunate.  You are wonderful.  You are so special to me Nora Grace.  I am so thankful for the time we have to spend together everyday.  It may seem cliche, but I love to nurse you.  It is something that has always been important to me and it is very special for me.  I love how close it brings us and I love that you need me in such an important way.  I want to give you everything you ever need baby girl.  I always want to be here for you as your mother, your mentor, your friend, your biggest support.  I want you to always know that you can come to me with anything.  I will always be there for you and I will always love you you.  No natter what.