Friday, February 17, 2012

8 Weeks

Today Mommy is 8 weeks. That makes you about the size of a large kidney bean.

You have been making me more and more sick lately. However, I have done quite the amount of reading on the matter and I appreciate the fact that my morning sickness is a sign of your health. I usually wake up feeling like I am going to spew. Then I force a piece of toast down my throat and after 30 minutes, it tends to help. By the time I am headed out the door, the nausea is usually back. Throughout the day at work I am searching for crackers to calm my yucky tummy. I haven't had too many episodes of vomiting to report. But that's not to say there won't be more.

Sometimes I wonder if there are 2 little fellas down there cause I feel like I am already showing. 8 weeks and showing for a first pregnancy is not common. It could be due to the fact that I was "technically" underweight before you came along so my body may be overcompensating. But my Mom told me that with her first pregnancy she didn't even show until she was like 4 or 5 months. So tell me, what's going on down there? Why you making me chubby already?

I wonder if you are a girl or a boy. I feel like you are a little Boy. But I could be wrong. We did a home gender test and it said boy, but nobody really knows at this point. Either way, I will love you the same! I can't wait to be your Momma!

We are so anxious for your ultrasound coming up in 12 days! We can't wait to hear your heart beat! Keep growing strong and healthy so that we can hear it loud and clear!
Love, Mom

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