Friday, March 30, 2012

March 30, 2012

Hey little one, today is another big day! We have another ultrasound and check-up! I always look forward to ultrasounds because that means I get to see you and learn a little more about you. Since I can't feel you yet, it's hard to imagine you really in there. But as my tummy is starting to make an appearance, we know you're in there and growing! Make some big kicks soon so I can feel you! I know 14 weeks is a little early, but I am dying to know if you are my son or daughter. Daddy and I both had dreams this week that you were a girl, and then Daddy had a dream last night that you were a boy. I can't wait to find out. Our new house is suiting us well and we are loving the extra space. I cannot wait to start buying you things and decorating for your arrival! Daddy and I decided not to really buy much for you until our Anniversary which is pretty much only a month away! On May 6th we are going to have a special date and then go shopping for you! It was Daddy's idea. I am glad he is so thoughtful and so excited for you. Your uncle Chris is visiting right now for General Conference. It is fun to see him. It makes me sad knowing that you won't meet him until you are about 2 when he comes home from his mission. He is a great person and he will love you so much! We are excited to listen to the Prophet and apostles this weekend. It is such a special time. I remember last conference getting the answer that it was a good time to start trying for you. I had never had a prayer answered so vividly and I try to always remember how strongly I felt whenever I get discouraged about money or timing. I hope their are some great messages this weekend for this Mommy-to-be. All in all, we can't wait to meet you baby. We're 1/3 of the way there. Keep growing strong and remember, we love you always and forever.

Love, Mom

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