Wednesday, April 25, 2012

He or She?

Baby Dear,

I apologize for the lack of recent posts.  Mommy has been truly busy.  Dad and I have been working a lot and trying to save up some extra money to spoil you with! It's also Finals Week for Mom, and although it is stressful, I am so excited that the semester is over! School is good, but Mom is tired of being a full time employee, student and pregnant egg! It is a tiring life.  I am excited to have more time to spend thinking about you, talking to you, and getting ready for your arrival!  Some exciting things have happened lately that I want to tell you all about....

I've been experiencing some intense abdominal pain for the last month.  It started as just a sore feeling, but it grew into sharp pains that almost sent me home from work.  My tummy has been very sensitive to the touch and very crampy on the inside. I just shrugged it off at first, assuming it was just normal.  It started to get worse to where I could barely move at times.  I decided to call the Doctor.  Daddy and I went in to see Dr. Holmes and he took a look.  Thankfully, you are very healthy and no harm is done to you. I was very nervous that I may have hurt you.  Turns out everything is OK I was just having contractions.  The Doctor told me to stop any running or walking for exercise and to keep my walking to a minimal.  Great.  This ruins all my plans of staying fit while pregnant.  But I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.  The next thing was exciting.. the Doctor said he thought you might be a .... are you ready? ... A GIRL!  I was very excited, even though he wasn't sure, I immediately pictured you as my little Norah Grace, swaddled in my arms.  Dad was not convinced, so he wanted me to schedule an appointment to have an official gender test done with supersonic equipment.  He is a silly guy.  That night, Daddy and I were lounging on the couch watching TV and I realized I could feel you! You felt like a little goldfish swimming around in my belly! I can't quite explain the feeling, but it felt like butterflies.  It made me so excited! Thank you, now... move more so I can feel you ALL the time!

Our appointment to find out if you are for sure our little girl or boy is tomorrow, on Mom's birthday. What a special present for me (:  I am one lucky mom and I am so excited to find out more about you!  Girl or Boy, can't wait to know so Daddy and I can start to buy you precious things.  We are so excited to meet you and can't believe we are almost half-way there! You are so special to us and we love you.  We can't wait to meet the most amazing thing that ever happened to us.  Stay healthy and strong baby boo.

Love Always,

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